Prakash Bal Bharti Public School, NIT Faridabad
- A-446, Dabua Colony, N.I.T, Faridabad, Haryana-121001
0 Reviews
Prakash Bal Bharti Public School, NIT Faridabad
Get more information about Prakash Bal Bharti Public School, NIT Faridabad. Here you will get all the information about the school like when the admission will start, contact no, location and brief information of the school. We try to get you the right information and for this, we constantly update the website. If you want to take the information of the top schools here, then click on the blog section.
The School is affiliated with CBSE. The school has good infrastructure, labs, library, playground, drinking water facility. The school knows well that only students can build good future. Therefore, along with studies here, emphasis is also on the moral values.
Prakash Bal Bharti Public School, NIT Faridabad is an established school. Along with good studies, attention is also given to sports here. This school produces a good result every year and grow every year. You can get more information by clicking on school’s website button. You can get information about the admission by clicking on the Quick Help Button.
Academics Details:
- Medium(s) of Instruction: English
- Academic Session: 1st April - 31st March
- Affiliated with: CBSE
- Affiliation No: 530909
- School Management:Prakash Educational Society.
- Contact for Admission Details: 0129-2481304
- Facilities Available: Drinking Water, Toilet Facilities, Classroom, Sports, Transport, CCTV, Library, IT Infrastructure, Indoor Games, Dance Room, Music Room, Medical Room
Brief Information about School.
School Name : Prakash Bal Bharti Public School, NIT Faridabad
- Education Board : CBSE
- Affiliation No : 530909
- School Type : Private School
- Education Mode : Co-Educational
- School Management : Prakash Educational Society.
- School Contact No. : 0129-2481304
- Affiliated Upto : Pre-Nursery - XII
- Playground : YES
- Medical Room : YES
- Dance & Music Room : YES
- Transport Facility : YES
- CCTV & Internet : YES
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- School Contact Details
- Prakash Educational Society.
- 0129-2481304
- A-446, Dabua Colony, N.I.T, Faridabad, Haryana-121001
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- Featured Image
- Location Detail
- A-446, Dabua Colony, N.I.T, Faridabad, Haryana-121001